Hello Vegan Travelers!
My name is Maria, the “Vegan World Trekker”.
I became vegetarian at the age of eight. I recall the exact moment. My 3rd grade teacher told us an animal story one day and at that moment it hit me..We eat living creatures for food but we don’t have to do this! Fast forward to 2002, I attended a lecture with film presentation given on the topic of veganism. That presentation made me realize that once dairy cattle produce enough milk, they are then considered worthless and are slaughtered. Males are non-milk-producing so are slaughtered nonetheless and babies become veal calves. Thus I became vegan from that day on!
Initially, I had a great fear of flying. However, in 1998 I was invited by my relatives to come to Romania for a visit. My desire to meet my relatives for the first time was STRONGER than my fear of flying! I am so glad that I accepted the opportunity to meet my family members. It was so thrilling to experience international landscapes, explore other cultures, and meet other peoples. This sparked my interest in world travel and this desire has only intensified in time! I have been enjoying worldwide travel ever since! I’ve traveled to many destinations far and wide all over our great country and throughout the entire globe to find exciting adventures and delectable vegan cuisine. What I’ve found is that it is not as difficult as some may think to find veggie-friendly dining options. Hence, I’d like to share my wonderful experiences with you so that you may not hold off on experiencing some truly amazing world travel yourself!
This website contains valuable information on vegan dining worldwide, airport and airline food options, vegan travel guides, vegan accommodations and trips, vegan clothing, vegan travel gear, and photos from my international trips, plus my blog about each of my trips and some travel advice! I also include valuable information on varied topics such as vegan dining on trains/cruises, vegan options at rest areas, vegan ethnic foods, specific vegan or veggie-friendly restaurants in which I’ve dined in various countries in six continents, ethnic recipes for meals I’ve eaten during my travels, and souvenir suggestions(vegan-friendly/eco-friendly of course!) for popular goods in various regions of the world, and much more.
I am an avid world traveler with a goal to visit several countries(or regions)in the north, south, east, and west of every continent (except Antarctica). I’ve traveled to six continents. In each place I’ve vacationed, I’ve found wonderful veggie-friendly and vegan restaurants. I’d like to share my travel and dining experiences with you all! My dream job would be hosting a vegan travel show on The Travel Channel or PBS Globetrekker! VegDining.com has hired me as their Boston area “vegan restaurant reviewer”.
Author of the EBook “How To Travel The World As A Vegan”, published in October 2010.
Amazon version: How To Travel The World As A Vegan
Kindle version: How To Travel The World As A Vegan
Founder and President of “Vegan Honeymoons”, launched Oct. 2011 Vegan Honeymoons
My interview on Rudy Maxa’s radio program: Rudy Maxa interview
I write and publish vegan travel articles for:
Visit Vegan Around the World Network
We seem to have a lot in common. I look forward to reading more about your vegan travels (one of my favorite topics)!
Hey! This blog is fantastic! There’s so much information, I’m afraid I’m going to spend hours reading now that I’ve found this haha. I also really want to get into travel writing and have started a blog to write about my travels along with my other interests in veganism and cooking, and my career. My blog however is such novice work compared to yours. I look forward to reading more and drawing inspiration for your writing and travels!
Check out my site ; ) I’ve had my vegan travel show and blog since ’06 and am an 11 year vegan! Congrats! xo
Hello Maria,
I came across your website in reference of everything-everywhere.com and must say I’ve been impressed with your blog. Traveling the world as a vegan! I loved this post especially: Maria’s Advice – Vegan Road Trips where you give a handful of tips for travelers on a road trip! Your targeting a unique niche in the travel market and you’re doing it well! Congratulations from one travel writer to another.
With best regards,
Dave Geerts
Hi Maria! We met at the Kushi Institute at their open house on May 15. I love your blog! I have just made the transition to becoming vegan and your advice on traveling as a vegan is great. I look forward to reading about your next adventure:)
Sounds interesting. We seem to have a lot in common. We are practicing similar treks in Nepal since couple of years
With best regards
Deependra Dhital
Nice site, Maria!
Hi Maria
I’m going to Kushi Institute for Open House this weekend
Saturday October 09 ,and just like you I have ,about
three hours drive.Also ,I came from Europe. But I’m vegan
for six months and I can’t wait for my trip. Thanks for great
You’re very welcome, Anna. You will enjoy Kushi. Be sure to check the wonderful healthy products in their gift shop.
i’m so happy i found your blog!! i’m absolutely loving it and looking forward to reading more 🙂 as a vegetarian and sometimes vegan i really value this info…
I love the theme of your blog! Looking forward to reading more.
Thanks so much for this site, Maria, it is so useful. You are a great writer, and so kind to animals.
Thanks so much for providing the great blogs and beautiful photographs, Maria!
this is great. best wishes from me, a maori kiwi vegan.
Hi Maria, it was a real pleasure to work with you on Genie project. After your last email I decided to visit your travel blog – and I think that it is amazing! Thank you!
Thank you very much, Maria!! 🙂
Omg! I love your page. It was such a pleasure meeting you at the Women in Travel Summit in Boston this year. I wish that we had more time to talk. I would love to hear more about your story and even ask you some questions. When you can please e-mail me. Thank you
Thank you so much for the kind words about my blog, Loreal! 🙂 I will be in touch!